
Installing VirtualBox

If you don’t want to dedicate an entire computer to running Mint, one option is to use a Virtual Machine. VirtualBox is one of the best VMs and with it you can run a virtual version of other operating systems within your already installed OS.


Using a Virtual Machine (VM) will take resources from your computer: memory, hard drive space, processor usage and so on; make sure you have enough of each before commencing.

Step 1

The first task is getting hold of VirtualBox. If you haven’t already, head over to www.virtualbox.org and click on the large ‘Download VirtualBox 5.1’ box. This will take you to the main download page. Locate the correct host for your system, Windows or Mac, the host is the current installed operating system, and click to begin the download.

Installing VirtualBox
Installing VirtualBox

Step 2

Next, while still at the VirtualBox download page, locate the VirtualBox Extension Pack link. The Extension Pack supports USB devices, as well as numerous other extras that can help make the VM environment a more accurate emulation of a ‘real’ computer.

Installing VirtualBox

Step 3

With the correct packages downloaded, and before we install anything, you need to make sure that the computer you’re using is able to host a VM. To do this, reboot the computer and enter the BIOS. As the computer starts up, press the Del, F2 or whichever key is necessary to Enter Setup.

Installing VirtualBox

Step 4

As each BIOS is laid out differently it’s very difficult to assess where to look in each personal example. However, as a general rule of thumb, you’re looking for Intel Virtualisation Technology or simply Virtualisation; it’s usually within the Advanced section of the BIOS. When you’ve located it, Enable it, save the settings, exit the BIOS and reboot the computer.

Installing VirtualBox

Step 5

With the computer back up and running, locate the downloaded main VirtualBox application and double-click to begin the installation process. Click Next to continue, when you’re ready.

Step 6

The default installation location of VirtualBox should satisfy most users but if you have any special location requirements click on the Browse button and change the install folder. Then, make sure that all the icons in the VirtualBox feature tree are selected and none of them have a red X next to them. Click Next to move on.

Installing VirtualBox

Step 7

This section can be left alone to the defaults, should you wish. It simply makes life a little easier when dealing with VMs; especially when dealing with downloaded VMs, as you may encounter in the future. Again, clicking Next will move you on to the next stage.

Installing VirtualBox

Step 8

When installing VirtualBox your network connection will be disabled for a very brief period. This is due to VirtualBox creating a linked, virtual network connection so that any VM installed will be able to access the Internet, and your home network resources, via the computer’s already established network connection. Click Yes then Install to begin the installation.

Installing VirtualBox

Step 9

You may well be asked by Windows to accept a security notification; click Yes for this and you may encounter a dialogue box asking you to trust the installation from Oracle. Again, click yes and accept the installation of the VirtualBox application. When it’s complete, click finish to start VirtualBox.

Installing VirtualBox

Step 10

With VirtualBox up and running you can now install the VirtualBox Extension Pack. Locate the downloaded add-on and double-click. There may be a short pause while VirtualBox analyses the pack but eventually you receive a message to install it; obviously click Install to begin the process, scroll down the next screen to accept the agreement and click ‘I Agree’.

Installing VirtualBox

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