
A-Z of Linux Commands

There are literally thousands of commands, so while this is not a complete A-Z, it does contain many of the commands you will most likely need. You will probably find that you end up using a smaller set of commands over and over again but having an overall knowledge is still very useful.


adduser    : Add a new user
arch       : Print machine architecture
awk        : Find and replace text within file(s)


bc         : An arbitrary precision calculator language


cat        : Concatenate files and print on the standard output
chdir      : Change working directory
chgrp      : Change the group ownership of files
chroot     : Change root directory
cksum      : Print CRC checksum and byte counts
cmp        : Compare two files
comm       : Compare two sorted files line by line
cp         : Copy one or more files to another location
crontab    : Schedule a command to run at a later time
csplit     : Split a file into context determined pieces
cut        : Divide a file into several parts


date       : Display or change the date & time
dc         : Desk calculator
dd         : Data Dump, convert and copy a file
diff       : Display the differences between two files
dirname    : Convert a full path name to just a path
du         : Estimate file space usage


echo       : Display message on screen ed A line oriented text editor (edlin)
egrep      : Search file(s) for lines that match an extended expression
env        : Display, set or remove environment variables
expand     : Convert tabs to spaces
expr                    : Evaluate expressions


factor     : Print prime factors
fdisk      : Partition table manipulator for Linux
fgrep      : Search file(s) for lines that match a fixed string
find       : Search for files that meet a desired criteria
fmt        : Reformat paragraph text
fold       : Wrap text to fit a specified width
format     : Format disks or tapes
fsck       : Filesystem consistency check and repair


gawk       : Find and Replace text within file(s)
grep       : Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern
groups     : Print group names a user is in
gzip       : Compress or decompress named file(s)


head       : Output the first part of file(s)
hostname   : Print or set system name


id         : Print user and group ids info Help info
install    : Copy files and set attributes


join       : Join lines on a common field


kill       : Stop a process from running


less       : Display output one screen at a time
ln         : Make links between files
locate     : Find files
logname    : Print current login name
lpc        : Line printer control program
lpr        : Off line print
lprm       : Remove jobs from the print queue


man        : See Help manual
mkdir      : Create new folder(s)
mkfifo     : Make FIFOs (named pipes)
mknod      : Make block or character special files
more       : Display output one screen at a time
mount      : Mount a file system


nice       : Set the priority of a command or job
nl         : Number lines and write files
nohup      : Run a command immune to hangups


passwd     : Modify a user password
paste      : Merge lines of files
pathchk    : Check file name portability
pr         : Convert text files for printing
printcap   : Printer capability database
printenv   : Print environment variables
printf     : Format and print data


quota      : Display disk usage and limits
quotacheck : Scan a file system for disk usage
quotactl   : Set disk quotas


ram        : Ram disk device
rcp        : Copy files between two machines
rm         : Remove files
rmdir      : Remove folder(s)
rpm        : Remote Package Manager
rsync      : Remote file copy (synchronise file trees)


screen     : Terminal window manager
sdiff      : Merge two files interactively
select     : Accept keyboard input
seq        : Print numeric sequences
shutdown   : Shutdown or restart linux
sleep      : Delay for a specified time
sort       : Sort text files
split      : Split a file into fixed-size pieces
su         : Substitute user identity
sum        : Print a checksum for a file
symlink    : Make a new name for a file
sync       : Synchronise data on disk with memory


tac        : Concatenate and write files in reverse
tail       : Output the last part of files
tar        : Tape Archiver
tee        : Redirect output to multiple files
test       : Evaluate a conditional expression
time       : Measure Program Resource Use
touch      : Change file timestamps
top        : List processes running on the system
traceroute : Trace Route to Host
tr          :  Translate, squeeze and or delete characters
tsort      :  Topological sort


umount     : Unmount a device
unexpand   : Convert spaces to tabs
uniq       : Uniquify files
units      : Convert units from one scale to another
unshar     : Unpack shell archive scripts
useradd    : Create new user account
usermod    : Modify user account
users      : List users currently logged in


vdir         : Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -b’)


watch      : Execute or display a program periodically
wc         : Print byte, word, and line counts
whereis    : Report all known instances of a command
which      : Locate a program file in the user’s path
who        : Print all usernames currently logged in
whoami     : Print the current user id and name


xargs      : Execute utility, passing constructed argument list(s)


yes        : Print a string until interrupted

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