
Info Commands Line On Linux –Useful Help

The following commands are useful for when you are trying to learn more about the system or program you are working with in Linux. You might not need them every day, but when you do, they will be invaluable.

Info Commands Line On Linux –Useful Help
Info Commands Line On Linux –Useful Help

The free command displays the total amount of free and used physical and swap memory in the system. For example, free -m gives the information using megabytes.

The df command displays filesystem disk space usage for all partitions. The command df-h is probably the most useful (the -h means human-readable).

The top program provides a dynamic realtime view of a running system. It can display system summary information, as well as a list of processes.

The uname command with the -a option prints all system information, including machine name, kernel name, version and a few other details.

The ps command allows you to view all the processes running on the machine. Every operating system’s version of ps is slightly different but all do the same thing.

The grep command allows you to search inside a number of files for a particular search pattern and then print matching lines. An example would be: grep blah file.

The sed command opens a stream editor. A stream editor is used to perform text transformations on an input stream: a file or input from a pipeline.

The adduser command adds a new user to the system. Similarly, the addgroup command adds a new group to the system.

The deluser command removes a user from the system. To remove the user’s files and home directory, you need to add the –removehome option.

The delgroup command removes a group from the system. You cannot remove a group that is the primary group of any users.

Man Man
The man man command brings up the manual entry for the man command, which is a great place to start when using it.

Man Intro
The man intro command is especially useful. It displays the Introduction to User Commands, which is a well written, fairly brief introduction to the Linux command line.

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