
HTML 5 Elements

The Elements

Let’s break this down a bit and look at the structure used for this document. These basic concepts are used for all of the remaining content that you’ll write. The document is comprised of several HTML elements that are nested in a hierarchical fashion.

HTML 5 Elements
HTML 5 Elements

Like other markup languages, tags are used to annotate content with useful information. An HTML
element generally follows this structure:
<tag attribute="value" ... > content </tag>
For example, the document title, “My First HTML5 Document” is identified by the opening and closing tags, <title> and </title>. In most cases each element has an open and close tag that are identical except the close tag is preceded by a “/” character. Sometimes the terms element and tag are used interchangeably; to be precise, however, an element is comprised of an opening and closing tag and the content that is found between these tags.

Elements will often contain other elements. Notice in the sample document that the html element contains a head and a body element. The head element also contains a meta and a title element. For better readability, this nested hierarchy is illustrated by indenting child elements.

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